Sunday, January 6, 2013

What I Learned Over New Years Break

Welcome back to Hostile Takeover, your friendly neighborhood blog. If you are anything like us, you spent the holiday season surrounded by friends and loved ones far, FAR away from Times Square, celebrating the death throes of 2012 in various states of inebriation. You have since likely spent the following week recuperating, and getting used to the new reality of 2013. I sincerely hope the young year has been as instructive for all of you out there in Reader-land as it has been for you.

Here are 3 things I learned over the very end of 2012 and very beginning of 2013:

1) The New York Giants don't always make the playoffs, but when they do, they win the Super Bowl. And they can only make the playoffs if their division and/or conference stinks. Because as great as they are in the postseason, they are a very mediocre regular-season team.

2) White Plains, NY is a sketchy, sketchy place. This is where I spent my New Year's Eve, and what I at first thought was a really corny event (complete with older cover band) took a dark turn for the city and participants later in the night, with broken glass littering the sidewalk, some stored robbed, some bars and restaurants locking their doors, and several drunken altercations.

3) The similarities between our political leaders in DC and the key players in the NHL lockout are terrifying. Both in the "fiscal cliff" situation and the lockout, everybody waited to the very last minute to get anything done. Common sense and consideration for the average fan/citizen were completely ignored. There are a number of people who believe this country should be run more like a business, but I really, really hope this is not what they had in mind.

Well, that's it for now. Stay classy, internet.

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